Growing up in Shreveport I had a lot of great memories, more than I have time to write about at this time. Having a love of sports and competition, I enjoyed being able to attend various sporting events including my little league ball games at the Baptist Ball Park. The smell of french fries, corn dogs and popcorn on a hot summer evening always meant it was game time! In high school, most Friday nights meant I was attending a Woodlawn High football or basketball game. Since both teams were really good, the games were always packed with excitement and big game intensity. Good times y'all. I can remember vividly some great moments I witnessed and as I drive by Independence Stadium I will once again think back to some of those special times. The bands playing, the crowds cheering, the lights and atmosphere will always remind me of a some memorable moments. One in particular was my Senior year our football team was playing a school from Lake Charles and with just a minute or so left in the game, we had just given up a touchdown and found ourselves behind on the scoreboard. On the verge of losing our 4th straight game, things were looking rather dim on our side of the field. As the other team kicked off to us, little did we know things were about to change. Rusty Funk, one of our Senior running backs, fielded the kick at around the 11 yard line. He headed towards the middle of the field and then as the wall formed he veered to his left and stampeded his way past our sideline all the way to the end zone scoring the winning touchdown. Something about winning that game energized our team and we went on a win streak and finished the season tied for the District title. More importantly it assured us a playoff spot and we were able to win a few games losing in the state semi finals to the team that won the state championship the next week. Man, what memories. Just think, in 20 to 30 years someone from this upcoming weekend may be telling a similar story about how they won a big match in Shreveport. Possibly leading them to a state championship! The Friday night lights will be on full display this weekend as Texas Cornhole League will be having their League Championship at the Shreveport Convention Center. Who will reign as the Champ in Open Singles? Will one of the young stars be able to withstand the pressure of winning it all on the big stage. Will someone else step up and surprise people coming out of nowhere to win it all? Will Grant Upchurch win his third straight Singles title? A lot of questions will soon be answered this Friday and I can't wait!
The aforementioned Upchurch typically is considered a favorite at just about any event he is involved in. Dude is just a monster on the boards and has been for several years. No one questions his ability as he has proven time and time again he is capable of hitting a variety of clutch shots. Grant beat Logan Chamberlain in Singles last year and the idea of winning three straight titles has to be one of his goals. I'm not saying he is a lock to win it this year but I ain't betting against him! Sammy Soto is another player who I expect to be in the mix as he always seems to find a way to finish either at the top or right there at it. Sammy more often than not finds the hole with his smooth throw using several types of shots to get the job done. As I scroll down the list of entrants in Open Singles, I can't believe how many talented players are in this event. Man, this division is loaded! The usual contenders include the likes of Chase Lester, Cayhill Isom, Dillon Randle, Ernest Herrera, Fletcher Jonson and Jaun Pantoya. The list continues with Luke Anderson, Mason Vega, Matt Longoria, Matthew Morris, Noah Albarado, Scott Beck and Tye Thompson, just to name a few. Zach Faulkner, Zach Harris and Zeb Smith lead all the guys with names starting with the letter Z who could win it all. Then there are the names of guys like Aaron Aspeitia, David Saenz, Dylan Cernero, Dylan Newland, Jacob Whatley, Lane McManus and Matt Longoria. See, there truly are several that are capable of winning this event and trying to include all is pretty difficult. I haven't even mentioned names of players who aren't the usual TCL guys like Alec Budd, Kale Harrell, Nate Gallup, Austin Waskow and Kobey Alley. Another guy who has been throwing well lately is Kevin Meza as well as Levi Lechner and Oscar Mariena. Might as well include Stuart Foster who has been working hard to get back to his usual level of throwing and is one to keep your eye on. OG players like Jeremy O'Connell, Jeremy and Tracie Beeson, Jim Abdella and Christina Espinosa can make runs and can be problematic on the boards. I didn't mention the Legendary Brandon Gregor because as I wrote this he mentioned a arm injury that he isn't for sure how it will effect his play. Hate to not have him in the mix but I'm certain he will be back soon. There are around 75 players entered in this event and I'd say a large percentage are all able to have some success. It could come down to the pool play and how players are matched up but when the dust is settled and the pictures are being taken, who stands last is anybody's guess. All I know is I can't wait and I will have a front row seat, probably eating some popcorn and washing it down with a cold bottle of coca cola! I look forward to seeing everyone this weekend. Have safe travels and best of luck on the boards!
The excitement and love you have for sports exudes every sentence! I was blessed to go along and witness your passion for some treasured years. Enjoy the tournament ✍🏻